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Teaching kinds different non-formal activities also known as TeachersWay : 


is a project based on the needs and recommendations of teachers, teachers’ associations to develop and introduce a new teaching ways and skills in the classroom. The project objective is to actively involve Teachers into educational process by conducting different non-formal activities such as: Project Base Learning, Gamification, different Classroom Management Strategies and Techniques etc. With other words we want to introduce the 21st teaching skills for Teachers.


Students are usually passive participants at all the educational levels in our traditional learning systems.Their creativeness is not encouraged, nor are they challenged to think critically and originally. On completing the process of formal education, they are capable of more or less successfully reproducing the information they learned in the course of their schooling.


The project’s objective is to foster teachers’ ability to actively involve students in the education process by offering different (extra)curricular activities that can be performed out of school, such as home schooling, after school activities and other activities based on non-formal education methods.

During the 26 months long project, the Teachers Way consortium will :


Identify and analyse different forms of out-of-school education that can be performed by teachers at school outside the normal class – hours


Develop a guideline and training module with tips and recommendation  to help teachers to organize different types of the out-off-school learning activities for their pupils


Prepare a learning platform for trainers and teachers used as a depository for the Teachers’ way products and results


Promote the use of out-of-school education offered by teachers in the participating schools


Teachers way project corresponds to the following priorities:


Offering a high quality tools for skills and competences. Preparation and testing of a teachers "Toolkit for teachers" and prepare them to be able to organize the numerous out-of-school activities for their children.


Extending and developing educators' competences. Equipping and offering a "Learning Platform" used by the adult trainers and educators to prepare the trainings for teachers. So, by implementation of our project the educators' competences will extend and develop. But not only. We will show the educators the good practices in out-of-school activities, which they can organize and offer to their recipients.


Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency. Because the organizing of the out-of-school activities for the pupils is the investment into the future of the next generation, their performance and efficiency.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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